The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, by Michael Chabon, is a 636-page quest to escape the Holocaust. The main character, Joe Kavalier, uses his knowledge of magic to transport himself out of Prague during World War II to New York City. This novel has won the most prestigious literary award that any book can win, the Pulitzer Prize. Even the Chicago Tribune called it, "A page-turner in the most expansive sense of the word: its gripping plot pushes readers forward... Chabon is a reader's writer; with sentences so cozy they'll wrap you up and kiss you goodnight." Like most people, I wouldn't mind being kissed goodnight once in a while, so this is just one of the many reasons I can't wait to read this heart-pounding novel. Because of its length, I also know I'll learn an enormous amount of new vocabulary.
The persuasive techniques I used are:
- Facts
- Humor
- Testimonial
- Word choice
- Symbol
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ala the last part is so....LINDA!!!!
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