Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Holocaust Interviews

  • Interview #1:   Mr. Olsen -  Middle School Principal
-  What do you know about the Holocaust and World War II?
  • 6 million innocent people (men, women and children) were systematically murdered simply because they were different and the world stood by and watched. A proud intelligent nation under a deranged leader were duped into believing in their own superiority, and the inferiority of others. The Holocaust must be recognized as an example of the inhumane potential that exists within us all. 
-  What do you hope students learn in the process of studying these events?
  • There are so many themes exemplified in the Holocaust (nationalism, prejudice, racism, imperialism, hatred, violence, greed) . Students must examine their own value set within these themes, establish a correct set of beliefs and develop the determination to stand by those beliefs when they are challenged by forces outside of themselves. As middle schoolers a meaningful place to begin is simply to establish an ethical base for the treatment of other humans.

    I remember a very cool poem - long ago lost that walked along this line;

    First they came for the mentally weak and I did not speak up because it did not affect me.
    Then they came for the physically infirm and I did not speak up because it did not affect me.
    Then they came for the Gypsies and I did not speak up because it did not affect me.
    Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak up because it did not affect me.
    Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up for me.

    Every day we witness man's inhumanity to man from Darfur to CAG, and our focus remains on our own superficial issues -clothes, cars, sports and being cool. Kids need to learn what is important and when it is appropriate to speak up.

  • Interview #2:  
-  What do you know about the Holocaust and World War II?

-  What do you hope students learn in the process of studying these events?


Ludovica Sacchi said...

I modified my blog, could you see it and tell me if it's better Mr.Topf? Anyways... I am very sorry but my father and my grandfather haven't answered my e-mail yet. I apologize. Thank you for your comprehension,

Amor Vincit Omnia said...
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Ludovica Sacchi said...

Hello Mr.Topf,
in case you checked my homework earlier today I decided to send you this email to tell you I modified the information, since it was incomplete before.
Thank you very much,